SQLPage built-in functions

In addition to normal SQL functions supported by your database, SQLPage provides a few special functions to help you extract data from user requests.

These functions are special, because they are not executed inside your database, but by SQLPage itself before sending the query to your database. Thus, they require all the parameters to be known at the time the query is sent to your database. Function parameters cannot reference columns from the rest of your query.

The sqlpage.uploaded_file_mime_type function

Introduced in SQLPage 0.18.0.

Returns the MIME type of an uploaded file.

Example: handling a picture upload

When letting the user upload a picture, you may want to check that the uploaded file is indeed an image.

select 'redirect' as component, 
       'invalid_file.sql' as link
where sqlpage.uploaded_file_mime_type('myfile') not like 'image/%';

In invalid_file.sql, you can display an error message to the user:

select 'alert' as component, 'Error' as title,
    'Invalid file type' as description,
    'alert-circle' as icon, 'red' as color;

Example: white-listing file types

You could have a database table containing the allowed MIME types, and check that the uploaded file is of one of those types:

select 'redirect' as component, 
       'invalid_file.sql' as link
where sqlpage.uploaded_file_mime_type('myfile') not in (select mime_type from allowed_mime_types);



Name of the file input field in the form.

Official SQLPage documentation