SQLPage built-in functions

In addition to normal SQL functions supported by your database, SQLPage provides a few special functions to help you extract data from user requests.

These functions are special, because they are not executed inside your database, but by SQLPage itself before sending the query to your database. Thus, they require all the parameters to be known at the time the query is sent to your database. Function parameters cannot reference columns from the rest of your query.

The sqlpage.path function

Introduced in SQLPage 0.15.0.

Returns the request path of the current page. This is useful to generate links to the current page, and when you have a proxy in front of your SQLPage server that rewrites the URL.


If we have a page in a file named my page.sql at the root of your SQLPage installation then the following SQL query:

select 'text' as component, sqlpage.path() as contents;

will return /my%20page.sql.

Note that the path is URL-encoded.

Official SQLPage documentation