SQLPage built-in functions

In addition to normal SQL functions supported by your database, SQLPage provides a few special functions to help you extract data from user requests.

These functions are special, because they are not executed inside your database, but by SQLPage itself before sending the query to your database. Thus, they require all the parameters to be known at the time the query is sent to your database. Function parameters cannot reference columns from the rest of your query. The only case when you can call a SQLPage function with a parameter that is not a constant is when it appears at the top level of a SELECT statement. For example, SELECT sqlpage.url_encode(url) FROM t is allowed because SQLPage can execute SELECT url FROM t and then apply the url_encode function to each value.

The sqlpage.cookie function

Introduced in SQLPage 0.7.1.

Reads a cookie with the given name from the request. Returns the value of the cookie as text, or NULL if the cookie is not present.

Cookies can be set using the cookie component.


Set a cookie

Set a cookie called username to greet the user by name every time they visit the page:

select 'cookie' as component, 'username' as name, :username as value;

SELECT 'form' as component;
SELECT 'username' as name, 'text' as type;

Read a cookie

Read a cookie called username and greet the user by name:

SELECT 'text' as component,
        'Hello, ' || sqlpage.cookie('username') || '!' as contents;



The name of the cookie to read.