SQLPage v0.25.0 documentation

If you are completely new to SQLPage, you should start by reading the get started tutorial, which will guide you through the process of creating your first SQLPage application.

Building an application with SQLPage is quite simple. To create a new web page, just create a new SQL file. For each SELECT statement that you write, the data it returns will be analyzed and rendered to the user. The two most important concepts in SQLPage are components and parameters.

To select a component and set its top-level properties, you write the following SQL statement:

SELECT 'component_name' AS component, 'my value' AS top_level_parameter_1;

Then, you can set its row-level parameters by writing a second SELECT statement:

SELECT my_column_1 AS row_level_parameter_1, my_column_2 AS row_level_parameter_2 FROM my_table;

This page documents all the components provided by default in SQLPage and their parameters. Use this as a reference when building your SQL application. If at any point you need help, you can ask for it on the SQLPage forum.

If you know some HTML, you can also easily create your own components for your application.


The "rss" component

Produces a data flow in the RSS format. Can be used to generate a podcast feed. To use this component, you must first return an HTTP header with the "application/rss+xml" content type (see http_header component). Next, you must use the shell-empty component to avoid that SQLPage generates HTML code.

Introduced in SQLPage v0.20.0.

Top-level parameters


REQUIRED. Describes the channel.


REQUIRED. Defines the hyperlink to the channel.


REQUIRED. Defines the title of the channel.


Defines the group, person, or people responsible for creating the channel.


Defines the category of the channel. The value should be a string representing the category (e.g., "News", "Technology", etc.).


Specifies that a channel is complete and will not post any more items in the future.


Provides the copyright details for the channel.


Indicates whether the channel contains explicit content. The value can be either TRUE or FALSE.


Specifies the donation/funding links for the channel. The content of the tag is the recommended string to be used with the link.


The globally unique identifier (GUID) for a channel. The value is a UUIDv5.


Provides a URL linking to the artwork for the channel.


Defines the language of the channel, specified in the ISO 639 format. For example, "en" for English, "fr" for French.


Tells podcast hosting platforms whether they are allowed to import this feed.


URL of the RSS feed.


Specifies the channel as either episodic or serial. The value can be either "episodic" or "serial".

Row-level parameters


REQUIRED. Describes the item


REQUIRED. Defines the hyperlink to the item (blog post URL, etc.).


REQUIRED. Defines the title of the feed item (episode name, blog post title, etc.).


Prevents a specific item from appearing in podcast listening applications.


Indicates when the item was published (RFC-822 date-time).


The duration of an item in seconds.


The length in bytes of the audio/video episode content.


The MIME media type of the audio/video episode content (e.g., "audio/mpeg", "audio/m4a", "video/m4v", "video/mp4").


For podcast episodes, provides a URL linking to the audio/video episode content, in mp3, m4a, m4v, or mp4 format.


The chronological number that is associated with an item.


Defines the type of content for a specific item. The value can be either "full", "trailer", or "bonus".


Indicates whether the item contains explicit content. The value can be either TRUE or FALSE.


The globally unique identifier (GUID) for an item.


Provides a URL linking to the artwork for the item.


The chronological number associated with an item's season.


The type of the transcript or closed captions file for the item (e.g., "text/plain", "text/html", "text/vtt", "application/json", "application/x-subrip").


A link to a transcript or closed captions file for the item.


An RSS channel about SQLPage latest news.

select 'http_header' as component, 'application/rss+xml' as content_type;
select 'shell-empty' as component;
  'rss' as component,
  'SQLPage blog' as title,
  'https://sql.ophir.dev/blog.sql' as link,
  'latest news about SQLpage' as description,
  'en' as language,
  'Technology' as category,
  FALSE as explicit,
  'https://sql.ophir.dev/favicon.ico' as image_url,
  'Ophir Lojkine' as author,
  'https://github.com/sponsors/lovasoa' as funding_url,
  'episodic' as type;
  'Hello everyone !' as title,
  'https://sql.ophir.dev/blog.sql?post=Come%20see%20me%20build%20twitter%20live%20on%20stage%20in%20Prague' as link,
  'If some of you european SQLPagers are around Prague this december, I will be giving a talk about SQLPage at pgconf.eu on December 14th.' as description,
  '' as enclosure_url,
  123456789 as enclosure_length,
  'video/webm' as enclosure_type,
  '2023-12-04' as date;

Once you have your rss feed ready, you can submit it to podcast directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts...