SQLPage v0.25.0 documentation

If you are completely new to SQLPage, you should start by reading the get started tutorial, which will guide you through the process of creating your first SQLPage application.

Building an application with SQLPage is quite simple. To create a new web page, just create a new SQL file. For each SELECT statement that you write, the data it returns will be analyzed and rendered to the user. The two most important concepts in SQLPage are components and parameters.

To select a component and set its top-level properties, you write the following SQL statement:

SELECT 'component_name' AS component, 'my value' AS top_level_parameter_1;

Then, you can set its row-level parameters by writing a second SELECT statement:

SELECT my_column_1 AS row_level_parameter_1, my_column_2 AS row_level_parameter_2 FROM my_table;

This page documents all the components provided by default in SQLPage and their parameters. Use this as a reference when building your SQL application. If at any point you need help, you can ask for it on the SQLPage forum.

If you know some HTML, you can also easily create your own components for your application.


The "authentication" component

An advanced component that can be used to create pages with password-restricted access. When used, this component has to be at the top of your page, because once the page has begun being sent to the browser, it is too late to restrict access to it. The authentication component checks if the user has sent the correct password, and if not, redirects them to the URL specified in the link parameter. If you don't want to re-check the password on every page (which is an expensive operation), you can check the password only once and store a session token in your database. You can use the cookie component to set the session token cookie in the client browser, and then check whether the token matches what you stored in subsequent pages.

Introduced in SQLPage v0.7.2.

Top-level parameters


The URL to redirect the user to if they are not logged in. If this parameter is not specified, the user will stay on the current page, but be asked to log in using a popup in their browser (HTTP basic authentication).


The password that was sent by the user. You can set this to :password if you have a login form leading to your page.


The hash of the password that you stored for the user that is currently trying to log in. These hashes can be generated ahead of time using a tool like https://argon2.online/.


Usage with HTTP basic authentication

The most basic usage of the authentication component is with the sqlpage.basic_auth_username() and sqlpage.basic_auth_password() functions. The component will check if the provided password matches the stored password hash, and if not, it will prompt the user to enter a password in a browser popup:

SELECT 'authentication' AS component,
    '$argon2i$v=19$m=8,t=1,p=1$YWFhYWFhYWE$oKBq5E8XFTHO2w' AS password_hash, -- this is a hash of the password 'password'
    sqlpage.basic_auth_password() AS password; -- this is the password that the user entered in the browser popup

You can generate a password hash using the hash_password function.

If you want to have multiple users with different passwords, you could store them with their password hashes in the database, or just hardcode them use a CASE statement:

SELECT 'authentication' AS component,
    case sqlpage.basic_auth_username()
        when 'admin'
            then '$argon2i$v=19$m=8,t=1,p=1$YWFhYWFhYWE$oKBq5E8XFTHO2w' -- the password is 'password'
        when 'user'
            then '$argon2i$v=19$m=8,t=1,p=1$YWFhYWFhYWE$qsrWdjgl96ooYw' -- the password is 'user'
    end AS password_hash, -- this is a hash of the password 'password'
    sqlpage.basic_auth_password() AS password; -- this is the password that the user entered in the browser popup

Try this example online: SQL Basic Auth.

Advanced user session management

Basic auth is the simplest way to password-protect a page, but it is not very flexible nor user-friendly, because the browser will show an unstyled popup asking for the username and password.

For more advanced authentication, you can store user information and user sessions in your database. You can then use the form component to create a custom login form. When the user submits the form, you check if the password is correct using the authentication component. You then store a unique string of numbers and letters (a session token) both in the user's browser using the cookie component and in your database. Then, in all the pages that require authentication, you check if the cookie is present and matches the session token in your database.

You can check if the user has sent the correct password in a form, and if not, redirect them to a login page.

Create a login form in a file called login.sql:

select 'form' as component, 'Authentication' as title, 'Log in' as validate, 'create_session_token.sql' as action;
select 'Username' as name, 'admin' as placeholder;
select 'Password' as name, 'admin' as placeholder, 'password' as type;

And then, in create_session_token.sql :

SELECT 'authentication' AS component,
    'login.sql' AS link,
    '$argon2id$v=19$m=16,t=2,p=1$TERTd0lIcUpraWFTcmRQYw$+bjtag7Xjb6p1dsuYOkngw' AS password_hash, -- generated using sqlpage.hash_password
    :password AS password; -- this is the password that the user sent through our form

-- The code after this point is only executed if the user has sent the correct password

and in login.sql :

SELECT 'form' AS component, 'Login' AS title, 'my_protected_page.sql' AS action;
SELECT 'password' AS type, 'password' AS name, 'Password' AS label;

Advanced: usage with a session token

Calling the authentication component is expensive. The password hashing algorithm is designed to be slow, so that it is difficult to brute-force the password, even if an attacker gets access to the database.

If you want to avoid calling the authentication component on every page, you can use a session token. A session token is a random string that is generated when the user logs in, and stored in the database. It has a limited lifetime, and is stored in a cookie in the user's browser. When the user visits a page, the session token is sent to the server, and the server checks if it is valid.

SELECT 'authentication' AS component,
    'login.sql' AS link,
    (SELECT password_hash FROM user WHERE username = :username) AS password_hash,
    :password AS password;

-- The code after this point is only executed if the user has sent the correct password

-- Generate a random session token
INSERT INTO session (id, username)
VALUES (sqlpage.random_string(32), :username)
    'cookie' AS component,
    'session_token' AS name,
    id AS value;

Single sign-on with OIDC (OpenID Connect)

If you don't want to manage your own user database, you can use OpenID Connect and OAuth2 to authenticate users. This allows users to log in with their Google, Facebook, or internal company account.

You will find an example of how to do this in the Single sign-on with OIDC.